Checking for privileges

Windows maintains two different security related information: permissions and privileges
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Convert ANSI to char in .NET

Sometimes you have a byte array that is an ANSI string. To convert it to a char array or a string in C#, you need to apply a conversion. It appears that many folks are using:
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Maximum number of procedures in PRG files

Visual FoxPro stores procedures and methods of a PRG file in a rather unusalway. Instead of keeping methods with their classes, Visual FoxPro compiles onehuge list of all procedures in a PRG file. Each procedure is assigned a 16-bitID value. For this reason, the total number of procedures that can be stored ina PRG file is 65,535. It doesn't matter how many of them are methods or procedures.It's the total number of PROCEDURE and FUNCTION statements that counts. Here's a code sample that demonstrates this:
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